Monday, April 1, 2013

Sabado Santo (Holy Saturday)

Sabado Santo

On Holy Saturday the community meets at the guest house just before the sun goes down about 6 PM aqui (here). A small fire is lit on the ground and Alfredo begins by saying prayers from the Liturgia de la Luz ( The Liturgy of the Light). Then we all light a candle and proceed to the Church singing a hymn. Upon entering the Church we remain in candlelight while Alfredo performs a very short service that doesn’t include the Eucharist. Compared to the previous events of Holy Week this is a very small subdued service. Especially when compared to La Gran Vigilia Pascual (The Great Easter Vigil) we have at our home parish of St Francis. After this service we also had a very small gathering of just coffee. I’m not sure if this is tradition or if it was because on Easter Sunday we will be holding a large Ecumenical service and the women of the church need a break.

Easter will have its own separate blog as parts of it were different from what we have experienced back in Los Estados Unidos (The United States). Plus it was Ecumenical between a Catholic and Episcopal Churches.
Tom & Dianne

1 comment:

  1. A blessing to witness and to share! Thank you for your words and pictures, as well as for your presence there!
