Last Sunday Dianne and I were officially installed as Lay Missionaries in El Maizal with Pastoral and Administrative responsibilities over El Maizal (Church of Divine Providence), Pacifico de Brizas (Church of the Virgin of Guadalupe) and Acujutla (St Georges Church). We will be conducting Church services in all 3 communities. We will also be visiting all of them to bring them the Word of our Savior and educate people further about the Episcopal Anglican Church of El Salvador.
It was a wonderful event to share with many of our parishioners and friends in El Maizal. It was surreal for us to read (in espanol) the vows of a new minister on Page 562 of the BCP to the congregation. It's a big step but we don't take it alone and it's calming to listen to Bishop Martin remind us that great things are possible through God. It's very exciting and we ask that you please support us with your intercessory prayers. The following are our installation letters.
Dianne Wilson, lay missionary in the Church of God, you've been called to work together with your Bishop, Priests and Deacons as lay missionary, and to participate in the various activities of the Episcopal Anglican Church of El Salvador.
Now, in accordance with the Canons, you have been chosen to
serve God together with your husband in all its pastoral responsibilities
devoting yourself especially to the women, boys and girls in the missions of:
The Divine Providence, Our Lady of Guadeloupe, San Jorge and in all the
missionary initiatives that arise in the geographical environment in the
departments of Sonsonate and Ahuachapán. In addition, you take the responsibility
of planning, organizing, promoting, managing and of evaluating constantly
everything of significance for the Community
of El Maizal including the housing project.
This letter is evidence that you are fully empowered and
authorized to exercise this Ministry, accepting your privileges and responsibilities
as Missioner Lay Volunteer of this diocese, in communion with your Bishop.
Having committed yourself to this work, do not forget the
confidence of those who have chosen you. Take care of young and old, strong and
weak, and rich and poor. Proclaim the Gospel, both with your words and in your
life. Love and serve the people of Christ. Sustain it and strengthen it so that
it glorifies God in this life and in the future one.
That the Lord, who has given you the will to do these
things, grant you also the grace and the strength to carry them out.
Signed and sealed in the city of San Salvador, the ninth day
of January of 2014, and in the twenty-first year of my service as Bishop.
Rvdmo. Martin Barahona, DDObispo Diocesano
Now, in accordance with the Canons, you have been chosen to
serve God in the missions of: The Divine Providence, Our Lady of Guadeloupe,
San Jorge and in all the missionary initiatives that arise in the geographical
environment in the departments of Sonsonate and Ahuachapán. In addition, you
take the responsibility of planning, organizing, promoting, managing and of
evaluating constantly everything of significance for the Community of El Maizal
including the housing project.
This letter is evidence that you are fully empowered and
authorized to exercise this Ministry, accepting your privileges and
responsibilities as Missioner Lay Volunteer of this diocese, in communion with
your Bishop.
Having committed yourself to this work, do not forget the
confidence of those who have chosen you. Take care of young and old, strong and
weak, and rich and poor. Proclaim the Gospel, both with your words and in your
life. Love and serve the people of Christ. Sustain it and strengthen it so that
it glorifies God in this life and in the future one.
That the Lord, who has given you the will to do these
things, grant you also the grace and the strength to carry them out.
Signed and sealed in the city of San Salvador, the ninth day
of January of 2014, and in the twenty-first year of my service as Bishop.
Rvdmo. Martin Barahona, DDObispo Diocesano
Tomas y Dianne